A golf blog worth following

admin May 1, 2013 0
A golf blog worth following

Monte Scheinblum won the National and World long driving championships in 1992. He was also the runner up in both 1991 and 1993. At 6-2 and under 200 lbs., he was as much as 100 lbs. smaller than the other competitors, so he had to use technique over brute strength to hit the ball farther. He has used that knowledge to help others achieve more distance.

He then embarked on a quest for the PGA Tour that included some close calls at the Q-school and some high finishes on the Nationwide Tour. The best of which was a 5th place finish that found him in the lead at one point on Sunday. Learning to use his distance and other skills was also beneficial in improving the scores of others, not just in the swing, but also in the management on the course.

His career was sidetracked for one important reason that also plagues amateur and other pro golfers around the world. Trying to make the swing too perfect and making it too complicated by micro managing every mechanical aspect instead of using solid fundamentals to create an individual natural motion. Through many years of struggle with his swing, chipping and putting, he has designed a process to simplify the entire game creating lower scores and more fun for all who have decided that the golf swing is not the same for any two people.

Check out Monte’s Blog HERE.

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